Mel writes a weekly blog, where she shares her tools, strategies and insights on how to lead, communicate and connect in a way that creates sustained engagement and real results.
Stop, breathe and reflect
Often in life we are so busy chasing our goals that we forget to stop and just breathe.
Beating decision fatigue
We make around 30,000 decisions a day – the cognitive load on our minds is immense.
Preventing imposter syndrome
Many smart and clever people have imposter syndrome. Recognising it for what it is will go a long way to helping you get rid of it.
The foundations of self-care
Self-care is critical as it is what helps us show up and be present. When we look after ourselves we have the energy we need to get things done.
Are you noticing the warning signs?
While some stress is essential to prevent boredom and encourage productivity, too much can be dangerous.
Are you trapped in survival mode?
When we don’t prioritise ourselves, we can get trapped in survival mode.
Look for the goodness
The negativity bias is a cognitive bias that results in negative events having a more significant impact on our psychological state than positive events.
What’s creating friction in your life?
Think about your organisation. Are there unnecessary frictions you are providing to your customers? How could you simplify them?
16 things I’ve learned over the past 16 years in business
I went into business for myself because I needed a change. I wanted to take control over who I worked with, the type of work I did and how and when work happened.
The importance of experimenting and having a go
It’s easy to rely on the same old same old.
My book has arrived!!
I have loved writing this book, and I am so excited to be able to share it with you.
Be kind to yourself
If you’re feeling as angry as I am about certain world events, then please, show some kindness to yourself. And to others, but first to yourself.
What’s the ONE thing you can do to prioritise you?
A big part of being fully connected is knowing what’s going on with our bodies, and looking after ourselves from a medical perspective.
Benefits of a mini-break
Not only does this provide a mental boost, but it’s also great for motivating us to achieve short term goals.
Success isn’t luck
I believe luck is a mix of being observant, grabbing opportunities, taking action and being optimistic.
Why I loathe the question ‘What’s your guilty pleasure?’
Many ‘guilty pleasures’ involve you putting yourself first. And for too many, putting yourself first is seen as an act of selfishness instead of an act of self-care.
How good communication helps avoid the cost of misunderstanding
One of the greatest benefits of having a leader who understands how to communicate with conviction is that they save their organisations a lot of money.
Are you listening to the warning signs?
Life provides us with plenty of warning signs when it’s time
to slow down
Virtual workplaces are here to stay
Virtual workplaces are here to stay, whether employers like it or not.
Do you communicate with respect and professionalism?
I’m listening to a couple of businessmen chatting and one of them has remarked “I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to communicate with respect and professionalism”.