16 things I’ve learned over the past 16 years in business

Last week was a huge week for me.

I celebrated my book, Fully Connected – How great leaders prioritise themselves, reclaim their energy and find joy, going to #1 on Amazon.

If you are one of the many who has already bought my book, THANK YOU. I’m completely overwhelmed and overjoyed at how my book has been received, and I am so very grateful.

If you haven’t yet bought it and would like to, here’s the link. If you’re not sure if it’s right for you, then download a chapter for free to check it out.

My book celebrations were so huge, I almost forgot that last week also marked my 16th business birthday!! Luckily, I remembered in time to go out for dinner to celebrate.

I went into business for myself because I needed a change. I wanted to take control over who I worked with, the type of work I did and how and when work happened.

It was one of the best life decisions I’ve made and not only because it has taught me a lot!

16 learnings from 16 years in business

  1. Trust freely – it’s far more exhausting to expect the worst in people – you’re always looking over your shoulder for something to go wrong.

  2. Trust your gut – while I’m very trusting of others, I also have a finely tuned sixth sense, and I trust it above all! If something looks or feels wrong, ask questions to help you decide what to do.

  3. Believe in yourself and back yourself – if you don’t believe in yourself, why should others?

  4. Be kind to yourself and treat yourself gently when shitty things happen. Because they WILL happen.

  5. Set clear boundaries and be aware of the consequences of breaking them – as Paulo Coelho says, ‘When you say yes to others, make sure you’re not saying no to yourself’.

  6. Know your worth and charge accordingly. Remember that doing something for free isn’t the same as doing something for no money – there needs to be an equal value exchange, otherwise you will feel resentful of the work you’re doing.

  7. Give back – take on some pro-bono clients, take time to volunteer. It’s important for our society and it will make you feel good.

  8. Understand the money – where it comes from, what you need to keep aside to pay bills, taxes and your GST bill. Have very clear terms and conditions and make sure the client is aware of them and agrees to them BEFORE you start work. Engage the services of a good accountant who understands small business.

  9. You really need to like people and be comfortable in asking them to do things for you, otherwise you’ll find it really, really hard to get work. And don’t forget that people need to feel needed – most people are more than happy to help out when you ask for help.

  10. Use your network – both personal and professional, online and offline – and ask them to help you. You never know who people know. Ask for referrals, testimonials, support, advice. Don’t only ask, you need to give back too.

  11. Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes it takes a while to work these out, and that’s OK.

  12. Invest in yourself – this includes allocating money and time for professional and personal development.

  13. Take regular breaks – during the day, week and year. Don’t be one of those small business owners who never has a day off, never takes time out, never has a holiday. It’s the fastest way to burn out. I’ve seen it happen so often and trust me when I say you really do not want that to happen to you.

  14. Focus on what you can control, not what you can’t. You have total control over what you think, what you do, how you spend your time, who you spend time with. You have no control over what other people say or how they act, so try not to spend too much energy focusing on them.

  15. A positive mindset can help you deal with even the worst situations. I believe that key to having a positive mindset is being grateful. There is loads of research that shows being grateful can increase your energy, improve your mood, make you feel more optimistic and boost your self-esteem. From a personal and a business perspective this can only be a good thing.

  16. Keep on top of your health – whether it’s your personal or business health, take preventative action. Schedule regular personal health checks – for your skin, your boobs, balls, eyes, teeth, blood pressure, heart, liver, kidneys. Allocate a regular time each year to get this all done. Schedule regular health checks for your business – know your numbers (check this weekly!), review your insurances, thank your clients, review your branding, website, social media, your workforce/contractors/suppliers.

Finally, THANK YOU for all your support, I would not be here without the love, support and kindness of so many. And I am so grateful.


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