What’s the ONE thing you can do to prioritise you?

I did a scary thing this morning.

I went to see my doctor for my annual skin check.

Now you might be thinking, why is this scary?

This is the health check that elevates my anxiety more than any other, as in 2013 I was diagnosed with an aggressive melanoma. Fortunately, it was caught in time and all cut out, but every time I get a new skin blemish, spot or lump, my heart skips a beat.

My skin check today was all clear, but as an outdoor lover in Queensland, it could easily have resulted in having to have things cut out or burnt off.

I’m often asked what the ONE thing is that we can do to prioritise our health and wellbeing.

That one thing, I reply, is to go to the doctor and have a health check.

A big part of being fully connected is knowing what’s going on with our bodies, and looking after ourselves from a medical perspective.

Make regular medical checks non-negotiable. Your doctor can tell you which ones you should be having and the frequency.

Yes, it’s time-consuming. Yes, it can be uncomfortable, awkward and embarrassing. And yes, it can be expensive. But I promise that the costs of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and more, are far greater. The costs of ill-health aren’t only related to medical appointments; they’re also about missed work, lost opportunities and the negative impacts on your quality of life.

If you notice any body bits have changed, get them checked out. My melanoma was diagnosed after I noticed a dodgy spot on my leg. I immediately had it checked and biopsied by my doctor. The surgeon later told me it was very aggressive, and if I hadn’t had a biopsy as soon as I’d noticed it, I probably would have died within a year (yes, that is as confronting as it sounds). For those who think, ‘My skin is dark, and I tan easily,’ then let me remind you that Bob Marley died from melanoma when he was only thirty-six.

As we age, we should all have annual health checks to stay on top of things. We take our cars for a service at least once a year, so make do the same for your body. It can be a lot messier and more expensive to fix when things go wrong!

If it’s been a while since you last went to the doctor, pick up the phone and make an appointment. It could save your life.


Be kind to yourself


Benefits of a mini-break