Benefits of a mini-break

Last week I had a very short mini-break with my beautiful friend and biz-bud Alisha.

We could only get away for one night, but in those 28 hours away, managed to squeeze in three delicious meals, a walk in the stunning Noosa National Park, three hours of pampering at Noosa Springs Day Spa (HIGHLY recommended BTW), a drink at a cocktail bar and some beach time.

There was also a LOT of talking. About work (of course!), life, love and the universe.

By the time Alisha dropped me home early Friday afternoon, my cup was full.

And I felt like I had been away for at least four days.


While I absolutely love a long holiday, sometimes they aren’t practical or possible.

The good news is that there is a lot of benefit in a micro-holiday. They can reduce your stress levels, renew your energy, and help reduce the risk of burnout.

Another bonus is that it’s easier to switch off when you’re away. You may recall I don’t have email on my phone, and while I did pack my laptop, I only checked my emails twice. And that was mostly because I wanted to see how many copies of my book I sold!! (And for a shameless plug, you can order your copy here.)

One of the things I love about any holiday is the anticipation and excitement that comes from having something exciting to look forward to. Not only does this provide a mental boost, but it’s also great for motivating us to achieve short-term goals.

I had a few things I needed to get done before going away, and they all got ticked off the list. Had I not been out of the office for two days, I have no doubt I would have procrastinated over doing at least some of them!

Do you take mini-breaks? And if not, can you plan one?

I’d love to know.


What’s the ONE thing you can do to prioritise you?


Success isn’t luck