Mel writes a weekly blog, where she shares her tools, strategies and insights on how to lead, communicate and connect in a way that creates sustained engagement and real results.

Leadership Mel Kettle Leadership Mel Kettle

What I learned by puppy-sitting

Over the weekend I puppy-sat Max, my brother’s beautiful 18-month-old labradoodle. He had asked before and I’d declined for two main reasons – I know nothing about dogs and I’m allergic to a long list of animals.

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Leadership Hello Hello Leadership Hello Hello

Are you asking the right questions?

Asking questions can stimulate ideas, solve problems, develop trust and build your relationship with your team, even when working remotely. In this blog, I share my thoughts on the kinds of questions we should be asking to show support for our team members and how we can approach asking them.

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Leadership Anna Stanford Leadership Anna Stanford

An easy way to improve customer experience

Over the last week or two, I’ve had far too many frustrating moments with businesses that provide me with regular services. These have significantly diminished my experience of them, to the point of wondering if it’s worth the hassle of changing providers. And in two instances, it would be a MASSIVE hassle.

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Leadership Anna Stanford Leadership Anna Stanford

A unique way of showing value to members

I have been speaking at conferences and events for over 30 years. The first time I was asked to speak publicly, on a stage, with a microphone, was in February 1988 when I was a Rotary Exchange Student in Canada. My highly introverted-self was more than slightly terrified.

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Leadership Anna Stanford Leadership Anna Stanford

Marketing is everyone’s job

I have quite a bit of [mostly] work-related travel over the next few months. One of the things I most like to do when in a different city is meet up with people in my network. Especially people I’m connected with via all the social channels, but haven’t yet had a chance to meet.

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Leadership Anna Stanford Leadership Anna Stanford

Practical ways your Board can use social media to engage with your members

I was in Melbourne over the weekend to facilitate a workshop with an association Board, to help them better understand how to communicate and engage with their members, and the role social media could play. My brief included helping them identify how they can individually provide ongoing support to the marketing communications team by using their personal social media accounts.

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Leadership Anna Stanford Leadership Anna Stanford

3 ways to improve your strategic thinking skills

There are many skills you need to be a successful social media manager. One of those is knowing how to think strategically. Early in my career it used to really frustrate me when I heard the phrase “you need to think more strategically”, but the people telling me this couldn’t (or wouldn’t) clearly explain what they meant or how I could do that!

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Leadership Anna Stanford Leadership Anna Stanford

Why I love walking meetings

As the demands on my time increase, I’m finding it more and more difficult to fit in exercise. Even finding time for a 30 minute walk is difficult if I don’t do it as soon as I get up in the morning. And walking first thing isn’t always possible.

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