Marketing is everyone’s job

I have quite a bit of [mostly] work-related travel over the next few months. One of the things I most like to do when in a different city is meet up with people in my network. Especially people I’m connected with via all the social channels, but haven’t yet had a chance to meet.

My LinkedIn request to meet with someone usually goes along the lines of “Hi [name], We’ve been connected here for a while, but haven’t yet met. I’m in [your city] on [dates] and would love to catch up for a coffee and find out more about you and your organisation. Let me know if you’re interested and when you might be available. kind regards, Mel”.

Every now and then I’m surprised to get a reply along the lines of “marketing isn’t my role”. Now the people I’m contacting are CEOs, executive officers, state managers and other senior leaders in their organisations. If they aren’t leading the marketing efforts in their organisations, then how can they be expected to succeed?

Marketing needs to be a part of everyone’s job description, from the receptionist through to the CEO.


Because if they are in contact in any way with your customers or potential customers, they are performing a marketing function. Whether they realise it or not.

Everyone in your organisation should have a very clear understanding of:

  • your organisational purpose and their role in achieving this

  • your business and marketing goals

  • who your ideal customer or client or member is and how to spot them – if you have a customer avatar, make sure people know what it is

  • your story – how did you come to be, what problems do you solve and how do you solve them?

  • the benefits of your products and services

  • how you want to be thought of in the marketplace

  • your marketing calendar – what campaigns are you running and when?

  • your website URL and social media handles

  • what they can and can’t say about your company in a public (or private) forum, such as on their personal social media channels.

If there is uncertainty around any of these, then perhaps it’s time for you to run some regular all-company marketing training to help your people understand your why, what and how. Help everyone understand how their role contributes to the overall purpose of your organisation. Encourage everyone to be able to confidently speak about your ideal client and why they should buy from you.

There is a story of when John F. Kennedy visited NASA in 1962. He noticed a janitor carrying a broom and asked him, “Hi, I’m Jack Kennedy. What are you doing?”

The janitor replied, “Well, Mr. President, I’m helping put a man on the moon.”

The janitor understood the vision, the purpose and his role in NASA.

If your people are asked what they are doing, how will they reply?

If you would like some help in developing an in-house marketing training program, please get in touch.

Anna Stanford

Anna Stanford is an ex-lawyer who saw the light and finally gave in to her irrepressible creativity. These days she helps thought leaders define and package who they are and what they’re bringing to the world.

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