Mel writes a weekly blog, where she shares her tools, strategies and insights on how to lead, communicate and connect in a way that creates sustained engagement and real results.
Are you a social CEO? Why CEOs need a strong digital presence
CEOs and leaders with an active digital presence have greater influence than those without. They are seen as being more connected, more confident and more curious.
Marketing is everyone’s job
I have quite a bit of [mostly] work-related travel over the next few months. One of the things I most like to do when in a different city is meet up with people in my network. Especially people I’m connected with via all the social channels, but haven’t yet had a chance to meet.
A small gesture goes a long way… saying thank you
My husband came home from work on the Easter Monday public holiday with a bigger than usual smile on his face. He couldn’t wait to show me the thank you gift he had been given by his manager.
Lessons from @GaryVee
Yesterday I had the absolute pleasure of being in an audience listening to the impressive Gary Vaynerchuk – the man known to many as @GaryVee.
Why I bought a Weber – and the importance of customer service
I’ve been thinking lately about my experiences as a customer.
Is your communication getting cut-through?
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion it has taken place.” George Bernard Shaw
Adele – and the importance of authenticity
Last night I was one of the fortunate 120,000 to see Adele during the Brisbane leg of her world tour. I’ve been a fan of her music since I first heard her dulcet tones warbling over the wireless almost ten years ago.
Celebrating 10 years in business
My tenth anniversary since starting Mel Kettle Consulting almost slipped past unnoticed. Which seems sort of wrong given how few small businesses even celebrate one year.
Saying thank you – how hard can it be?
Have a think about how you felt the last time someone said “thank you” to you when you did something for them.
Marketing – The Lady Gaga Way
I first wrote this post back in July 2011, for my old marketing blog. Given Lady Gaga’s stupendous performance at the Academy Awards earlier this week, I have been inspired to dig it out and repost, with an update or two.