Mel writes a weekly blog, where she shares her tools, strategies and insights on how to lead, communicate and connect in a way that creates sustained engagement and real results.

Connection Mel Kettle Connection Mel Kettle

Why you should rest your brain during the day

When I first started working from home about 14 years ago, I promised myself I would take a proper lunch break every day. Which means one of my favourite daily habits quickly became sitting on the couch while having lunch with Oprah, and after a few years, with Ellen.

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Connection Hello Hello Connection Hello Hello

How can we disconnect to reconnect?

Ten days ago I was in Melbourne getting ready to walk on stage at ConnectingUp’s annual conference to deliver the closing keynote. Delegates had spent three days learning how to ‘’Transform” their organisations using technology and best-practice.

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Connection Hello Hello Connection Hello Hello

Connected at work

People do business with people they know, like and trust. And yet, too many leaders forget the most important people they are doing business with are those who make up their workforce. They forget they need to be connected at work.

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Connection Anna Stanford Connection Anna Stanford

Productivity hack – aka 6 reasons why I don’t answer the phone

I used to love talking on the phone. When I was in high school my parents frequently complained of the hours I would spend curled up in the phone nook in the hallway of our home. I always raced to answer the phone when it rang. And I was devastated if I wasn’t the one to answer it. In my teenage years there was little more exciting than finding out who was going to be on the other end of the call. Would it be that boy I had a crush on? Usually it wasn’t. 🙁

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