What does it mean to connect authentically?

Brené Brown tells us that “authenticity is a collection of choices we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.”

But how often do we truly do this?

When we are authentic we are more likely to be trusted, however, according to the Edelman Trust Barometer, the level of trust Australian place in government, industry and our leaders right now is quite low.

With disruption being a constant challenge for organisations today, trust is essential if leaders are to build and maintain strong relationships with their workforce and their customers.

Some ways you can connect authentically and build trust

  • Be real – show your true self

  • Live your values – don’t just talk about them

  • Attribute the ideas of others with honour

  • Do what you promise

  • Listen to your audience and be responsive

  • Be honest about your products and services

  • If you make a mistake, OWN IT

  • Be consistent with your messaging.

How are you showing up authentically?

I explore connecting authentically in more detail in episode 12 of This Connected Life, which you can listen to here, on iTunes, Spotify or via your favourite podcast app.


Communication as we progress through COVID


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