Saying thank you – how hard can it be?

Have a think about how you felt the last time someone said “thank you” to you when you did something for them.

Did it give you the warm and fuzzies? Did it make you feel appreciated? Did it make you want to do nice things for them again?

Now think about the last time you did something for someone and they didn’t say thank you. Maybe they didn’t show any form of gratitude at all. Maybe they didn’t even acknowledge what you did for them.

Now think about how that made you feel. I’m feeling ranty just thinking about it!

Saying thank you really shouldn’t be difficult. But apparently for so many people it is.

I remember as a child being a bit whiney because mum made me write a thank you card to my English grandparents who had sent me a birthday present. I really, really didn’t want to as I had far better things to do – or so I thought. Mum sat me down and gently reminded me that if I didn’t say thank you then a. how would they know I received their thoughtful gift, and b. how would they know I was grateful and that I liked it? And that if I didn’t say thank you then maybe they wouldn’t send me any more presents. That was the kicker for six year old present loving me!

However, she raised very good points that I have never forgotten.

If you don’t show gratitude when people do nice things for you – that they mostly don’t have to actually do – then why would they want to do them again?

I’m finding that more and more in business people “forget” to say thank you. Yes, maybe we are all doing our jobs, but seriously, who wants to work for people who don’t appreciate what you do, regardless of how much you might be paid? I know I don’t.

I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been asked to do something “urgently”, and I have, and it hasn’t. even. been. acknowledged. You know I won’t be putting other things on hold to help with your “urgent” task the next time. Just sayin’.

I’m not saying I’m perfect and there are times I forget to say thank you, but I like to think I’m pretty good at it. Mostly.

So the next time someone does something nice for you – maybe it was a staff member who did a great job on a piece of work you asked for or maybe it was when your partner cooked you dinner – say thank you. I guarantee they will work that little bit harder for you next time.

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Anna Stanford

Anna Stanford is an ex-lawyer who saw the light and finally gave in to her irrepressible creativity. These days she helps thought leaders define and package who they are and what they’re bringing to the world.

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