Mel writes a weekly blog, where she shares her tools, strategies and insights on how to lead, communicate and connect in a way that creates sustained engagement and real results.
An easy way to improve customer experience
Over the last week or two, I’ve had far too many frustrating moments with businesses that provide me with regular services. These have significantly diminished my experience of them, to the point of wondering if it’s worth the hassle of changing providers. And in two instances, it would be a MASSIVE hassle.
A small gesture goes a long way… saying thank you
My husband came home from work on the Easter Monday public holiday with a bigger than usual smile on his face. He couldn’t wait to show me the thank you gift he had been given by his manager.
How to use social media to increase member engagement
Social media, when used properly, is an excellent way to engage with your members. Facebook specialist Mari Smith said it best: “Content is king but engagement is queen, and the lady rules the house.”
Lessons from @GaryVee
Yesterday I had the absolute pleasure of being in an audience listening to the impressive Gary Vaynerchuk – the man known to many as @GaryVee.
“We’ve never done it that way, it won’t work” – isn’t it time to change?
“It won’t work.”
“Why not?”
“We’ve never done it that way, it won’t work.”
Why I bought a Weber – and the importance of customer service
I’ve been thinking lately about my experiences as a customer.
Managing your twitter account when you can’t be there 24/7
Yesterday I was part of a brief twitter conversation talking about brands that do twitter well – @telstra, @qantas, @virginamerica, @auspost were all mentioned.
A culture of helpfulness – or are you a superchicken?
I watched a fabulous TED talk by Margaret Heffernan a few weeks ago and I can’t stop thinking about it.
Saying thank you – how hard can it be?
Have a think about how you felt the last time someone said “thank you” to you when you did something for them.
Customer service – more important than ever thanks to social media
It’s rare I publicly name and shame about poor customer service on social media, but I know many others don’t share my view. I read an absolute ripper of a brand rant on Facebook yesterday! Disappointingly (for me!) it has now disappeared. It was truly excellent writing!