Why I love walking meetings

As the demands on my time increase, I’m finding it more and more difficult to fit in exercise. Even finding time for a 30 minute walk is difficult if I don’t do it as soon as I get up in the morning. And walking first thing isn’t always possible.

The benefits of walking are many, and definitely not just physical:

  • tones up your legs, bum and belly – and mine definitely need a bit of toning!

  • great for heart health – making your heart stronger

  • walking makes my brain happy – as someone who has suffered mild depression in the past, I know that when I walk I become happier. Or at least less anxious and worried, which is definitely a good thing!

I get great ideas when I walk – if I’m with someone I can bounce ideas off them, if alone I can think about whatever floats into my head. At least half of my walks are unplugged and alone as it’s such a great way to think things through and often come up with great ideas – even better than being in the shower!

  • it’s a great opportunity to listen – to another person, to a podcast, to music, to audio books, to the sounds of nature around you

  • walking outside is a great way to boost vitamin D, something that, ironically, many Australians don’t have enough of. A walk in the sun outside of must-apply-sunscreen times is perfect for that. To find out when you need sun protection check out the super fabulous Sun Smart app from the Cancer Council. Did I mention it’s FREE??

  • walking can help prevent a whole heap of diseases including dementia, stroke, type 2 diabetes and some cancers

  • if you need to have a difficult conversation with someone, or if you think one of your staff or colleagues are not telling you everything, then go for a walk together. It’s far easier to raise a hard subject when you don’t have to eyeball someone across a desk.

So in order to do a bit more walking, I’ve decided to start going for walking meetings.

I was first introduced to this concept by my friend Jane, who has been holding walking meetings for years. I thought it was a brilliant idea.

While I have gone on a few walking meetings, I haven’t for too many months. So many months that I had forgotten all about the concept until my friend Colleen reminded me of the one we took together a few months ago.

So if you want to meet with me for a chat, a coffee, to discuss a business idea, to pick my brain, then expect me to say yes, but bring your walking shoes and wear comfy clothes because the first half hour at least we will be walking.

And yes, we can pick up a take away coffee on the way.

Have you gone for walking meetings? How do you squeeze exercise into your day? Or don’t you bother?

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Anna Stanford

Anna Stanford is an ex-lawyer who saw the light and finally gave in to her irrepressible creativity. These days she helps thought leaders define and package who they are and what they’re bringing to the world.


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