Your boundaries are protecting your future self.

I often wonder what my life would be like today if I had had better boundaries in place in my 20s.   

When I said yes to everything and everyone, because I didn’t know how to say no. Or worse, I was scared to say no, because I didn’t want anyone to think less of me. Or not offer me another opportunity.   

I didn’t appreciate how saying no to others was really saying yes to myself.   Even when I was deep into the throes of burnout and collapse, I still didn’t appreciate that no job was worth my health.   

Many of my clients today are women like me. We have jobs we love, people we support (financially, emotionally and other ways), and goals and aspirations we want to achieve.   

It’s easy to feel that everything needs to be done now. We need to move quickly, make decisions and power forward.   

Slowing down, even for an hour or a day or a weekend, gives us important time to reassess.   

To reflect on whether we are making the right decisions and taking the appropriate course of action. To listen to the people around us, which can lead to stronger relationships, greater trust and a more effective working partnership.   

When we put boundaries in place, especially around how we spend our time, we are protecting our future.   

Ask yourself these questions: 

  • How many times this week have you taken a lunch break?

  • Did you work last weekend?

  • Do you have back-to-back meetings most days?

  • Do you prioritise the things that are most important to you?

  • Do you have regular breaks scheduled into your calendar during the workday, the week, quarter and year?

  • How big is your annual leave balance? When was your last holiday and do you have the next one planned?   

How you spend your time has a huge impact on your quality of life, today and into the future.   

Constantly pushing yourself to work at breakneck speeds can lead to decreased productivity, stress, exhaustion, and potentially, burnout. Taking breaks and finding time for self-care will make you more productive in the long run by allowing you to rest and recharge so you can approach challenges with a clear mind.   

What boundaries can you put in place today so you feel better tomorrow?

Lacey Yeomans

Hello, I’m Lacey. I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, digital marketer and Virtual Assistant.

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