Mel writes a weekly blog, where she shares her tools, strategies and insights on how to lead, communicate and connect in a way that creates sustained engagement and real results.
What having melanoma has taught me – 9 lessons for business and life
This week marks five years since my unexpected hospital visit to have an aggressive melanoma cut out of the top of my left thigh. You can read about it here and here.
Lessons from @GaryVee
Yesterday I had the absolute pleasure of being in an audience listening to the impressive Gary Vaynerchuk – the man known to many as @GaryVee.
3 ways to improve your strategic thinking skills
There are many skills you need to be a successful social media manager. One of those is knowing how to think strategically. Early in my career it used to really frustrate me when I heard the phrase “you need to think more strategically”, but the people telling me this couldn’t (or wouldn’t) clearly explain what they meant or how I could do that!
Is your communication getting cut-through?
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion it has taken place.” George Bernard Shaw