Mel writes a weekly blog, where she shares her tools, strategies and insights on how to lead, communicate and connect in a way that creates sustained engagement and real results.
Are you asking the right questions?
Asking questions can stimulate ideas, solve problems, develop trust and build your relationship with your team, even when working remotely. In this blog, I share my thoughts on the kinds of questions we should be asking to show support for our team members and how we can approach asking them.
4 pillars of communication that connects
One of the things I’ve noticed over the last few weeks is that some organisations are very aware of what their people (staff, stakeholders, suppliers and customers/clients) are going through and some are most definitely not.
Connected at work
People do business with people they know, like and trust. And yet, too many leaders forget the most important people they are doing business with are those who make up their workforce. They forget they need to be connected at work.
Kindness in business
I’ve been thinking a lot about kindness lately. And how a small, kind gesture can make such a mammoth difference to someone’s life.