How connectable are you?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the people in my life who have been connectable leaders. Not surprising, given I have recently written a book about connection and leadership!

Each of these people share common qualities and behaviours.

It’s easy to remember the bad leaders. I bet if I asked you about the people you have worked with over the years, the bad ones would spring to mind first – as would their behaviours. While I’m tempted to name some of mine, I won’t.

I’ve also been fortunate to know some great leaders. Some have been my managers, some have owned companies I’ve worked for, and many have been people I’ve been fortunate to have had – and still have – in my life. 

There are so many qualities that connectable leaders have. These ones I reckon are at the top:

1.  Being kind

I talk a lot about kindness as I think it’s incredibly underrated. When organisations have an underlying culture of kindness, their staff stay longer, work harder and are more committed. This kindness also flows outwards – to their colleagues, families, customers and suppliers.

2.  Saying no to what doesn’t serve them (or their organisation)

When we say yes to everything, we risk teetering on the edge of burnout. When we start to say no, we take back some control over our lives. We need to remember that no is a complete sentence. When we say no (and when people say no to us), we open ourselves up to opportunities. I’ve learnt that saying no is often far more powerful than saying yes. It’s the sign of someone who is clear in who they are and what they want, and someone who knows how to look out for themselves.

3.  Having a high level of self-awareness

I’ve just watched the Netflix documentary Halftime, about Jennifer Lopez and her performance at the halftime show at the 2020 NFL Superbowl. Spoiler: I LOVED IT. In it, she talks a lot about her values and purpose, and how she has realised she has a platform she can use to be loud. The part that has stayed with me, is when she said, “I couldn’t have done this Superbowl 5, 10, 15 years ago, I wasn’t ready. I didn’t know myself. I didn’t understand myself. I was finding my way. There is so much more exciting stuff coming and I’m ready for it now. I’m thriving in a way I never imagined I could be at this time in my life”.

What do you think are some of the qualities of connectable leaders?

And which of these three resonates most with you?

Lacey Yeomans

Hello, I’m Lacey. I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, digital marketer and Virtual Assistant.

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