Taking time to clear your mind.

I walked out of my regular Pilates class this morning feeling physically exhausted and mentally refreshed.

I walked in with a few things on my mind. A business challenge I’ve been grappling, some decisions I need to make, and I'm trying to think through a lot of logistics for an upcoming holiday.

One of the things I love about Pilates is that it is 45 minutes without distractions. No phone, no one wants anything from me, and there are few, if any, random thoughts popping into my mind.

This morning was no different.

Much of the class was spent deeply focused on doing the movements. Trying to do one set of manoeuvres with my legs and another set with my arms. It was all I could do to work out which leg was in a strap, which leg pushed off the bar, which arm movement I had to do, and I had to do WHAT exactly with the ball??

My Pilates classes are some of my favourite times of the week, as they provide such a great opportunity to really clear my mind of all other thoughts.

When we are constantly engaged in our daily routines and tasks, our minds can become cluttered and overwhelmed, making it difficult to think clearly and make sound decisions.

Taking time to clear our minds can help us create mental space, allowing us to process our thoughts and emotions more effectively.

Engaging in activities that help clear our minds, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature, can help reduce stress and anxiety, which can have a positive impact on our physical and mental health.

In addition, taking a break from the constant stimulation of our daily lives can improve our ability to focus and concentrate when we return to our tasks. By giving our brains a chance to rest and recharge, we can become more productive and efficient in our work.

How often do you take time to clear your mind of the day-to-day busyness?

Lacey Yeomans

Hello, I’m Lacey. I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, digital marketer and Virtual Assistant.


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