Why leaders should have social media

Are you also glued to Twitter each day for the commentary around Victorian Premier Dan Andrews daily media conference? 

It’s events like COVID – and the Premier’s daily briefing – when social media channels such as Twitter come into their own. It provides an opportunity for people to find out what’s happening and to empathise with each other about the bad bits! 

Richard Branson says, “Embracing social media isn’t just a bit of fun, it’s a vital way to communicate, keep your ear to the ground and improve your business”.

One of the biggest advantages of social media is how it helps build and strengthen relationships. It’s a great tool to help people better understand who you are. Engaging with people over social media is an incredibly easy way to make them feel valued and important.

 Benefits of social media for leaders and CEOs

  • have greater influence and are more trusted

  • have greater stakeholder reach, important when it comes to advocacy

  • have a better reputation and increased revenue

  • have better employee communications

  • are seen as more open, honest, respectful, friendly, spontaneous and personal

  • are considered to be better listeners

  • are perceived to be more forward-thinking.

Critically, those with an active social media presence are seen as more influential. What does this mean? It means you become more known. And when you’re more known, more people want to work with you, buy from you, give you things and do things for you. 

Mark Schaeffer in his book Known, says that being known is about having the proper authority, reputation and audience to realise your potential and achieve your goals. 

Using social media can help you:

Communicate with impact

Getting your message across can be a huge challenge, particularly when we are bombarded by messages everywhere we turn. If you’re clear on who your audience is, then you will know where and how they like to be communicated with. 

Create real connections and sustained engagement

When we feel connected we want to know more. When we feel connected we are more likely to listen, to help and to buy. Social media provides opportunities to create real and lasting connections that transcend online into the real world. The communication landscape is rapidly changing and consumers are embracing the change. Leaders need to stay current with social media channels and trends if they are to effectively connect with patients past, present and future. 

Share your expertise

When you share your expertise, you are seen as a leader in your field. What content can you create that highlights your research and your achievements? Being seen as an expert increases your influence and earns trust. 

Increase your credibility

Trust is arguably the most important quality a business needs. And yet, the 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer indicated that trust in Australia is continuing to decline. Trust is built on competency and ethics. Using social media as a platform to share your values, to be transparent and accountable about your business practices and to demonstrate your expertise will go a long way to increasing your credibility and earning trust. 

Generate social proof

Social media also provides a platform for you to generate positive social proof and word-of-mouth, major influences when it comes to decision making, especially for women. People are far more likely to trust their peers than they are to trust advertising, with word-of-mouth recommendations from friends and family being extremely influential in decision making. Research by Nielsen shows that 4 in 5 Australians trust recommendations from someone they already know, and 3 in 5 trust comments from other online consumers.

 How are you using social media? 

If you need some support please let me know.


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