6 signs it’s time to review your boundaries

With Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan being the latest leader to resign from office due to exhaustion, it makes sense to look at signs we need some boundaries in our lives.

Regardless of your political views, there is now doubt that being the leader of a state over the last few years would have been as “relentless” and “all-consuming each and every day” as McGowan stated in his announcement on Monday.

He said he no longer had the “energy or drive to continue”.

“The truth is I’m tired, extremely tired. In fact, I’m exhausted,” he said.

Seeing someone in such a public position openly and honestly describe how they are feeling will hopefully give more people permission to say the same.

Now I’m not suggesting you also quit your job but maybe it is time to reflect on how you feel, why you might be feeling that way, and make a few decisions to do some things differently in your life, so you are happier and healthier.

Boundaries are rules and guidelines we create so we protect ourselves. We need boundaries around family, work, romance, friendships, time and social media.

We need boundaries to be healthy, happy and to live the life we want.

Not setting boundaries has consequences, including feelings of resentment, anxiety, and burnout.

Here are six signs you need better boundaries

  1. You’re tired all the time

  2. You try and do it all rather than ask for help when you need it

  3. You find it hard to make decisions

  4. You feel resentful because people are taking advantage of your willingness to always say yes

  5. You find it hard to say no to others

  6. You never have time for yourself

Do any of these sound like you?

Lacey Yeomans

Hello, I’m Lacey. I’m a graphic designer, illustrator, digital marketer and Virtual Assistant.


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